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Recent Game Reviews

1 Game Review

In execution, this game is pretty good. The controls are simple and effective, the art is A+, and the UI is very intuitive.

I do, however, have some qualms:

Major Qualms:
1) Variety: Doing the same combo over and over again gets repetitive. Making each weapon class have heavy/light attacks would remedy this. (Extra points for mixed combos)
2) AI: Super predictable, instantly dodges out of attack combos that would stun-lock a player, and is nigh impossible to guard break. A bit of randomness in response and response time would go a long way.
3) Balance: By the time you've hit mid-late game, while using the same type of weapon, it seems to take 10 - 15 hits from you to deal the same percent of their health in damage that they deal to you in one, even with fully upgraded weapons & armor and high strength. This one's difficult to really address effectively without addressing the other two, but as of right now, fights feel more tedious than challenging.

Minor Qualms:
4) Pacing: Movement feels a bit slow, windup for attacks is a touch long (especially on guard breaks), and you're unable to move at all while blocking (especially unfortunate when using a shield).
5) Stats: As of right now, the player has no real idea by how much an equipment upgrade or stat upgrade actually helps them, or even the difference between one piece of equipment and another. As far as I can tell, every weapon in the same class is exactly the same as the others (aside from reach), and every helmet is identical (aside from aesthetic).

Overall, this is a very good start, but it could stand a bit of work. Good luck out there o/

ExtinctionGames responds:

There's quite a lot for me to think about in there. Thanks for the critique.

Recent Audio Reviews

1 Audio Review

Not sure whether it's cold in here, or what, but I definitely got a bit of a chill listening to this. The melody is beautiful, it flows impeccably, and the bass feels damn good. I'm just a bit sad it isn't longer... Guess I know what I'm throwing into the infinite jukebox next.

Geoplex responds:

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it :) I'll probably be making 5 or 6 minute songs eventually, but for this one I ran out of juice haha

Age 30, Male

Joined on 10/8/12

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